Toilet card
The Toilet Card is designed to give people with bowel disease, endometriosis, neurological diseases, bowel or other type of cancer urgent access to the nearest toilet. One of the most uncomfortable symptoms these people can be suffering from is a functional disorder that includes having to go to the toilet frequently, sometimes dozens of times a day. This means that they must always stay close to a bathroom: when a toilet is needed, there is no time to look for one.
By allowing holders of a Toilet Card free access to disabled, staff or public pay toilet facilities, for example, you can help them to move more freely and achieve a better quality of life. A Toilet Card sticker attached to a public toilet acts as a way of informing other toilet users that people with a Toilet Card need urgent access to the facilities due to a medical condition.
A Toilet Card is one of the member benefits offered by IBD ja muut suolistosairaudet ry, Gynekologinen potilasjärjestö Korento ry, the Finnish Colorectal Cancer Association Colores ry, Finnish Neuro Society, Finnish Movement Disorders Association, The Cancer Society of Finland, the Finnish Scleroderma Association and The Finnish CP Association. It can be found on the back of the membership card that is available to those who become a member.
A free and easy way to help
An increasing number of businesses are paying attention to the needs of special groups. Disabled parking spaces close to the door, spacious family parking bays, wheelchair ramps and disabled toilets make life easier for visitors with special needs. Our goal is to make people with IBD and a Toilet Card another group that has its special needs served at shops, businesses and other public sites and is allowed access to the toilet facilities. Toilet Card door stickers are available for everyone who wishes to welcome Toilet Card holders to use their toilet facilities.
Report a new Toilet Card place here
There is also promotional material available. If you would like to get more information on the Toilet Card or share it with businesses in your area, please contact info(a)ibd.fi .
You can find all the businesses that are signed up to be official Toilet Card places here!
Toilet Card in IBD ja muut suolistosairaudet ry
Join as a member to IBD ja muut suolistosairaudet ry. We also offer a mobile Toilet Card. It is available in the member section of the IBD ja muut suolistosairaudet ry website, so remember to activate your member section.
To sign in to the member section at www.ibd.fi, click on the ”Jäsensivuille” bar in the top corner. You can sign in if your email address is included in your details in our member register and you have activated the link sent to you to this address. You can use the same link to access your member details and update them. If you have not received the email for member section activation, or if you have trouble signing in, please contact info(a)ibd.fi.
The mobile Toilet Card is available for download in the member section at www.ibd.fi. Sign in to the member section, and go to ”Muokkaa omia tietoja” (edit your details). One of the tabs is called ”Sähköinen jäsenkortti” (mobile membership card). Access this tab, and click on ”Lataa sähköinen jäsenkortti sähköpostiisi” (get your mobile membership card by email). A link is sent to you by email, and by opening it on your smart phone, you can create a short-cut to the card on the home screen. The card is both in Finnish and in english.