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Peer support meeting in English in Teams

11.11. klo 17:30 - 19:00

Welcome to meet online with others who have an intestinal disease on Monday, November 11th! The meeting starts at 17.30.

In the Teams meeting we get to know each other and share experiences with peers who understand the daily life with an intestinal disease. We welcome anyone who has an inflammatory bowel disease, IBS, microscopic colitis, bile acid diarrhoea, diverticulosis, congenital chloride diarrhoea or another intestinal disease.

In this meeting we have a special guest! Elisa Arvola, who works as a social and health security specialist at IBD ja muut suolistosairaudet ry, is present to discuss any questions you may have about healthcare and social security.

Sign up for the meeting by Sunday 10th of November here. You will receive a link for the meeting by e-mail.

To participate in the meeting, you need a computer, tablet or smartphone with an internet access and a microphone or headset. If possible, please keep your camera on during the meeting, so that we can see each other.

For more information you can contact Iiris Heikkinen, or 040 653 5070.


17:30 - 19:00


IBD ja muut suolistosairaudet ry