Osallistu European Patients’ Forumin kyselyyn hoitoon pääsystä
European Patients’ Forumilla on meneillään Euroopan laajuinen kysely hoitoon pääsystä. Kysely on englanniksi ja se on auki 31.10 asti. Pääset kyselyyn tästä >>
We are contacting you as the European Patients’ Forum has launched a EU wide survey on patients’ access to healthcare. The survey is addressed to patients with chronic and long term conditions, or their informal carers (e.g. family carers). It aims to gain knowledge on the perception of patients across the European Union on access to healthcare.
How you can help?
If you are a patient with a chronic or long-term condition, or an informal carer, you can help by filling out the survey. It takes 20 to 25 minutes, and doesn’t require particular knowledge of healthcare systems, it aims mainly at collecting your experience.
If you are a patient representative, you can help by circulating the survey in the patient network of your country.
Why is it important?
The survey will provide us with important knowledge on the specific challenges that patients with chronic and long term conditions face in accessing healthcare. Results of this survey will be available in a report that will be publicly accessible. The European Patients’ Forum will use the survey result in its advocacy for access to healthcare in the EU.
Take the survey!
It is available at this link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TGH3JHT
The survey is open until 31 October 2016.
If you have queries regarding this survey, please write to laurene.souchet@eu-patient.eu
Kind regards,
Laurène Souchet
Policy Adviser
European Patients’ Forum (EPF)